Monday, October 22, 2007


I am not even sure where to begin this...

We're kind of on a break while I attempt to lose at least 40lbs. My doctor doesn't seem to phased by the fact that I have cronic spotting and that I haven't ovulated at all in the last year...

I requested my medical records, including my u/s and blood test results. Now I am just searching for a Dr in MD to look at them and not me and determine whether I have PCOS or something else going on here...

In the meantime I am in weight watchers--and doing well-exercising and definitely eating better.

I just wish people in Ray's family would stop getting knocked up.


Desirée said...

I"m sorry you are having a rough time with Ray's family getting preg. I know how terrible it feels.
I hope you can find a Dr to help you with everything.
I'm here for you and wishing you all the best honey. Hang in there = )

Mel said...

Sending you good thoughts and wishes!!